We are currently on holidays - All orders will be shipped after 20 February 2024


Goal One: Eradicating Poverty

The fashion industry still has a long way to go in ensuring all workers are paid a living wage which further perpetuates global poverty. The legal minimum wage in a lot of countries is barely enough for people to live on and let alone provide for their families.

(Photo: Fashion Revolution)

A living wage should provide a worker and their family:

  • Food
  • Utilities
  • Housing
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Clothing
  • Transportation
  • Savings

This should also be earned in no more than 48 hours per a week. (Source: Oxfam - What She Makes)


The fashion industry is also one of the biggest contributors to forced labour, human trafficking and child slavery. According to the report produced by the Walk Free Foundation, “our most at-risk garments are imported from China, India, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Brazil and Argentina.”

In support of SDG goals 1, we manufacturer all of our clothes in Brisbane, Australia through a manufacturer who is accredited with Ethical Clothing Australia. Using a manufacturer with this accreditation provides assurance that the garment makers (and other staff involved in the production process) are paid living wages and working in safe conditions.
