We are currently on holidays - All orders will be shipped after 20 February 2024


Goal Twelve: Responsible Consumption and Production

Clothing production is believed to double by 2030. Sadly, the majority of this production ends up incinerated or in land fill. Fast fashion has created a model where clothing has become incredibly cheap and people are buying more, wearing it once, and then throwing it away.

Here at Luna + Sun, we are not a fast fashion label. Since we launched in October 2019, we have adapted our production quantities to specifically the demand and interest of our customers and wholesalers. We also don’t throw any items of clothing away and have them mended when needed. We are also trying to reduce waste by having our fabric off cuts made into scrunchies for our customers.

Photo: Our scrunchies made from fabric off-cuts

I’m hoping to do even more in this area so please keep an eye out this year for a few new improvements in this space.
